
The Unseen Dangers: Advanced Techniques for Detecting Hidden Mold

Mold in the home is a silent adversary, posing significant health risks and potential damage to property if left unchecked. Its ability to hide in plain sight makes it particularly challenging to detect and eradicate. A.L. Home Inspections, a leader in home inspection services in London, Ontario, is equipped with advanced techniques and technologies to …

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home inspector

The Benefits of Thermal Imaging in Home Inspections

When it comes to buying or selling a home, a thorough home inspection is essential to ensure that the property is in good condition. While traditional home inspection methods can be very effective, thermal imaging technology offers a number of additional benefits that can make the process even more valuable.

How to Tell If a House Has Asbestos

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once widely used in the construction industry. It was commonly used for insulation and fireproofing in homes, schools, and businesses. However, asbestos is now banned in many countries due to its adverse health effects. Asbestos fibers, when inhaled, can lead to lung cancer, asbestosis, and mesothelioma. Hence, …

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condo inspector

Do I Need a Condo Inspection?

If you’re thinking about buying a condo, you might be wondering if you need to get an inspection. While it’s not required by law, it’s definitely something we recommend. Here’s a look at why condo inspections are important and what they can do for you.

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